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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
03/21/21 The Rise of David Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday PM
03/21/21 The Fall of David Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday AM KS_AM_032121_The_Fall_of_David.mp3
03/14/21 Green Eggs & the Gospel (Matt. 11.11-24) Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday PM
03/14/21 What the Thessalonians Got Right Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday AM KS_AM_031421_What_the_Thessalonians_Got_Right.mp3
03/07/21 Building Lives on the Rock (Matt. 7.24-25) Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday PM
03/07/21 What Happens When I Die? - Part 4: Eternity Kyle Sanders What Happens When I Die? Sunday AM KS_AM_030721_What_Happens_When_I_Die_-_Part_4.mp3
02/28/21 40 Days Without a Champion (1 Sam. 17.16) Kyle Sanders Lessons from 1 Samuel Sunday PM
02/28/21 What Happens When I Die? : Part 3: The Judgement Kyle Sanders What Happens When I Die? Sunday AM KS_AM_022821_What_Happens_When_I_Die_-_Part_3.mp3
02/21/21 Why Are You Cast Down? (Ps. 42-43) Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday PM
02/21/21 What Happens When I Die? - Part 2: The Resurrection Kyle Sanders What Happens When I Die? Sunday AM KS_AM_Part_2-_What_Happens_When_I_Die.mp3
02/14/21 What Color Is Your Church? Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday PM
02/14/21 What Happens When I Die? - Part 1: Paradise and Hades Kyle Sanders What Happens When I Die? Sunday AM KS_AM_021421_Where_are_you_going_when_you_die.mp3
02/07/21 4 Questions: Genneseret (Mt. 14.34-36) Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday PM
02/07/21 Upon this Rock (Matt. 16.13-20) Kyle Sanders 2021 Theme: Solid Ground Sunday AM KS_AM_020721_Upon_this_Rock.mp3
01/31/21 Nearer, My God, to Thee (Gen. 28.10-22) Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday PM
01/31/21 A Rewarding Ministry (Matt. 10.40-42) Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday AM KS_AM_013121_A_Rewarding_Ministry.mp3
01/24/21 "Till Now the LORD Has Helped Us" (1 Sam. 7) Kyle Sanders Lessons from 1 Samuel Sunday PM
01/24/21 Why Are There So Many Churches? Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday AM KS_AM_0122421_Why_Are_There_So_Many_Churches.mp3
01/17/21 Who Shall Dwell on Your Holy Hill? (Psalm 15) Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday PM
01/17/21 Her Face Was No Longer Sad (1 Sam. 1.18) Kyle Sanders Lessons from 1 Samuel Sunday AM
01/10/21 Let the Church be the Church Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday PM
01/10/21 Rise. Serve. Bring. Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday AM KS_AM_011021_Rise_Serve_Bring.mp3
01/03/21 Give Us a King (1 Sam. 8) Kyle Sanders Lessons from 1 Samuel Sunday PM
01/03/21 The Rock (Deut. 32) Kyle Sanders 2021 Theme: Solid Ground Sunday AM KS_AM_010321_The_Rock.mp3
12/27/20 MARK THIS (Psalm 50) Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday PM
12/27/20 The Three Conclusions (Rom. 8.31-39) Kyle Sanders Romans Sunday AM KS_AM_122720_The_Three_Conclusions.mp3
12/20/20 Silence vs. Social Media Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday PM
12/20/20 Glory: A Five-Course Meal (Rom. 8.18-30) Kyle Sanders Romans Sunday AM KS_AM_122020_Glory_A_Five_Course_Meal.mp3
12/13/20 Defending Christ (in the Garage) Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday PM
12/13/20 Sons of God (Rom. 8.14-17) Kyle Sanders Romans Sunday AM KS_AM_121320_Sons_of_God.mp3
12/06/20 When We've Had Enough (Num. 11.11-15) Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday PM
12/06/20 The Spirit Within Us (Rom. 8.9-13) Kyle Sanders Romans Sunday AM KS_AM_120620__The_Sprit_Within_Us.mp3
11/29/20 No Condemnation in Christ (Rom. 8.1-8) Kyle Sanders Romans Sunday AM KS_AM_112920_No_Condemnation_in_Christ.mp3
11/22/20 True Thankfulness (Psalm 100) Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday PM
11/22/20 Without Him (Rom. 7.14-25) Kyle Sanders Romans Sunday AM KS_AM_112220_Without_Him.mp3
11/15/20 The Four Greatest Words (Matthew 8.1-4) Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday PM
11/15/20 The True Colors of Law and Sin (Rom. 7.7-13) Kyle Sanders Romans Sunday AM KS_AM_111520_Law_Sin_and_the_True_Colors.mp3
11/08/20 Faithful to God (Romans 7.1-6) Kyle Sanders Romans Sunday PM
11/08/20 The Relevant Church Kyle Sanders N/A Sunday AM KS_AM_110820_The_Relevant_Church.mp3
11/01/20 Offering Ourselves to Serve (Rom. 6.15-23) Kyle Sanders Romans Sunday PM

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